Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Dead Rising demo

Yes, that's right, I really have nothing better to do than write a pointless post about a demo of a game that's already out in America but not out here for another month... Well, that's not strictly true, I COULD be revising maths. But no, maths sucks. Massacring hoardes of zombies on the other hand...well that's just damned fun :)

The demo lasts 15 minutes, which meant I was obliged to play it numerous times so I could fully explore all the tasty zombie splurging weaponry there was in store, as well as other little things (like wearing children's clothes, that was weird). The weapon best suited to slaughtering zombies quickly is the katana, it justs slices through them like a knife through warm butter, leaving gooey mess and halves of zombie lying all over the place. Needless to say, it's great! The uzi was a bit crap, shotgun was better for mass zombie damage, which is what you look for in a weapon really...

There were cool little surprises too, like heating up a frying pan on the stove before using it to melt zombie face, and riding skateboards. The bowling ball also peaked my interest, it's fun rolling that thing into packs of zombies.

Just mindlessly killing the zombies got boring after a little while though, it'll be better in the final game when I have missions, and something to do so there is a reason for mass zombie genocide.

September should be a fun month, Scotland begin their quest in qualifying for Euro 2008 (which is a really unlikely outcome, given Scotland's group) and Talladega Nights comes out too!

Speaking of films, Snakes On A Plane comes out next Friday! Should be a laugh, I'll probably see it on the Saturday :D

Ick...I should probably take a look at some maths now...but I probably won't!

Until next time! *ominous music*

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